Friday, 14 February 2014

by Miki De Goodaboom

Barack Obama Taking It Easy


Pastel and coloured pencils of Barack Obama with the USA flag in the background

The original work is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Fine Art America secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original by clicking on the picture link below.

To See Miki's Other Work in this Blog Please Click  <> HERE <>

Barack Obama Portrait


The second of my Barck Obama Series...

The original work is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Fine Art America secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original by clicking on the picture link below.

Barack Obama Yes We Can


(Based on a photo by Bill Burke, 

So, my first Barack Obama portrait is finished. 

I think it is quite different from the portraits I have seen from him on the net. On most of them the artists emphasize only one aspect of his personality. 

This is not what I wanted. 

I wanted to paint Obama as a human being, with all his facets: 

his humanity, his leadership, his honesty, his hopes, his decisiveness? 

Of course I never met him personally, so it can only be the Barack Obama I perceive through the TV and the photos I have seen from him. And I saw all of these qualities on his face. 

I can only hope that I have caught a little bit of his soul? 

And if you are wondering what he is counting?. words of course: 

?Yes We Can!? 

My special thanks go to Bill, from, who allowed me to use one of his photos to make this portrait.

The original work is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Fine Art America secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original by clicking on the picture link below.


Miki, a long short story... 

Miki is a professional French artist, born in the Pyrenees, 
Her works have been sold and published worldwide. 

Her painting is a reflection of her life: a permanent oscillation between light and shadow, lines and shapes, times and places, always looking for that equilibrium which she can only find in continuous movement, in the mysterious and the unknown. A life divided between two passions: mathematics and painting. The first as a supreme form of abstract art ruling her universe... The second as a way of cementing the beauty of that art. 

Miki, about herself: 

I prefer dancing on a volcano rather than to sit at home! 
I love the colour, the contrast, the ordered chaos, the desert and the ocean 
And all that, always, fairly strewn with humour and chocolate flakes! 

And who ever you are, what ever you do, which ever language you speak, I will be happy to have you on board in my boat floating upon the seas of all our universes. 

Turre, Al - Spain

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